Tuesday, January 13, 2009

How then shall we pray?

Dear brothers and sisters, 

Our first post was about prayer in general and a biblical exhortation to prayer. However, when one is exhorted to such a high thing it sometimes requires a little explanation. This is particularly true in the light of current developments in so-called Christianity. (what I would otherwise consider commercial Christianity) When the disciples observed the life of our savior. They did not ask him to teach them how to tell parables; how to draw in the sand; how to insult the religious elite; how to look pious; how to multiply food; or even how to cast out demons. No, the greatest miracle that Jesus worked was prayer. They observed his prayer life, and they wanted whatever it was that he did. Consider that they may have never seen a man properly pray, and here was one who prayed perfectly. One who approached the throne of grace with confidence. One who knew God, and lived in subjection to Him. Then Jesus said pray in this way. (meaning "pray like this", not "pray these words exactly") 

Our father in Heaven,
hallowed be your name. (hallowed = praised, glorified)
Your kingdom come, 
your will be done, 
on earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread, 
and forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
(Matt. 6:9-13)

This is the method that Jesus taught the disciples to pray, and I believe it is the method that he intended for us. How can I be so sure? Because it is stated in general terms, and because God saw fit, by His providence, to have it put in this way, and because he denounced the idea of praying word for word magical prayer utterances and incantations. (which are of the devil) 

Thus brothers and sisters, loved ones, be encouraged today when you feel that there is little that you can do to influence a friend, or a loved one; When you feel that you are in a hopeless situation; When you feel the weight of your transgressions; when the filth of this world drives you mad; and especially when the person in the mirror drives you mad. Pray! Prayer is the strongest thing that any Christian man or woman can do. There is nothing else. It is recognition that everything rests in the hands of God and that He controls all things. Pray, because He is worthy of the praise from your lips. Now your lips may not be worthy to praise Him, but He is worthy of the praise that comes form them. Be joyful! Know that Jesus beckons for you to give Him your burdens. He loves those burdens, and because He is God, He will not grow weary bearing the load. In fact, He will not even feel it. He sustains this universe every second, and has always done so. It has not wearied Him. Do not fear that you might, He is not a mere human. Cling to Him in prayer! Run to Him in prayer! Please fill your head with theology and the word of God, but before and after PRAY! That is the only way that logical propositions become livable actualities. God has ordained the act of prayer to be the greatest miracle. The little wretched man. A blind ugly worm, doing what he can to squirm out of the will of God. (notice I said trying, oh and you are that worm, as am I)  Worthless to the core, and two faced if ever there was. Can come into the presence of a mighty perfect Holy God, and find peace, rest, and joy where he should find anger, judgement, and wrath. That my dear brothers and sisters is the miracle. Prayer has little to do with our changing of God's will, that Im glad to say is an impossibility.  However, it has everything to do with grace, and with glorifying a mighty God. What gives a father more joy that when His son looks at him and says, "father, I cannot, but you are more than able. I trust you father." That is true worship. Give God the glory. He deserves your time, was it not He who gave it, and though you've squandered what He has given, He gives again. Invest it in worship, while its still there to invest. Do not in this moment neglect so great a salvation.

In Christ alone

1 comment:

  1. My dear brother,
    Had I not the UTTERMOST SURETY of the Holy Spirit's sealing of my soul in Christ, I would be very frightened by your writing. Congratulations.
    Since I am in Christ, however, this that you have written has made me exceedingly glad, for I've been reminded that I need to pray more. God is good! Keep writing.
